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Egg Nutritional Value

Egg Nutritional Value

Egg protein-rich, easy-to-use standard food. There are two types of eggs available in our country - farm eggs and indigenous eggs. Many people think that there is no nutritional quality in the firm's eggs and duck eggs. Considering the nutritional quality, eggs and ducks of the farm are large in size, so there is more than the book quality. A firm's calorie has 80 calories and the country's chicken egg has only 50 calories. Firms whose eggs are available in the market contain 8 grams of protein and 6 grams of fat. The egg yolk has 250 grams of cholesterol, which is saturated fat but egg yolk is easily digested. Whichever the eggs are eaten properly, the nutritional quality of the pure, potato, omelette does not vary.
Who will eat
It is better for cardiologists to remove egg yolk from the egg. Ideal diet for stomach and frost health and pregnant mothers. Eggs work well in the body of rheumatic patients. Jaundice does not cause bad reactions in the stomach. Eggs need to increase physical fitness, increase corrosion and increase performance.

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