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Nutritional quality of mushroom

What is mushroom?

Mushroom is actually a national fungus. It is a fungal meatstool, a sponge holder and a fruiting body that is usually grown on the soil or fungal food storage. The agaricus campestris of the agaricelles is the frog that we see on the field. There will be a stem in the mushroom, a part of the caps like the cap on the bar, and the bottom of this hat will have the gills and spores. However, apart from this species, stem-free, dry wood like fenugreek or fungus-like fungus should also be called mushroom.

Nutritional quality of mushroom

It is "flesh" in the world of vegetable; They are full of vitamin B, thiamine, rivoflavin, niacin, and pantthactic acid. Vitamin B converts food into glucose. And glucose is made from our body's strength. They are full of Vitamin B Vitamin B converts food into glucose. And glucose is made from our body's strength. Vitamin B also activates the food poisoning process. Minerales will get selenium, copper, zinc and potassium. Fiber will receive 30 grams, protein @ 17 grams and cellulose 55 g%; Mushroom cholesterol zero. The amount of carbohydrate is very small. The enzymes and fiber in the body also provide the rest of the left cholesterol in the body. Mushroom is the only vegetables and second feed ingredients. (First Coldwater Well) so vitamin 'D' is available in edible form. Vitamin 'D' is not available in any other food ingredient. You get 20 calories from one ounce mushroom. Besides, there are many nutrients that have mushroom. So we need to practice mushroom food. Mushroom is eaten as an alternative to meat. There is more than twice the amount of fish in the mushroom. The quantity of protein is four times as much than the vegetables.

Benefits of Mushrooms

* Regular mushroom plays improved immune system. This is a good medicine for pregnant mothers and children.
* Fats and sugars in mushrooms and less fiber are better for diabetics.
* Mashroom has plenty of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D. Which plays an important role in the formation of children's teeth and bones.
* Mushroom has plenty of folic acid and iron, which removes the stomach. It contains linkage-8 substances that are resistant to hepatitis B.
* Because of the urinary tractarpin, it is used in the world to prevent AIDS.
* Because of the E.Eludin MOS in Mashroom, it is resistant to dysentery.
* Due to adenosine in the mushroom resistant to dengue.
* Mushroom has enzymes, which help digestion and removes bouts of stomach.
* Mushroom contains nucleic acids and anti-allergens which are resistant to kidney disease.
* Mashroom has plenty of calcium, iron, potassium and selenium. Selenium content is available only in fish. Those who are absolutely vegetarian, they can accept this useful ingredient through mushroom.
Mushrooms also increase sexual energy. Helps reduce fat intake, medicines of allergy diseases, hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids, skin diseases, healing of asthma diseases, immunoglobulin hemorrhoids, impotent infections, prevention of cancer and tumor, hair fall and strained, eliminates blood loss, prevents hemorrhagic disease Blood pressure is healing, improves sexual disability.

Mushroom use

Mushroom is very delicious food. This is a fun meal for vegetarians. As well as using mushroom pasta, omelet, beef roll, chicken sandwich or fish fries, the nutritional quality of food leads to taste. There are 25-35 grams of proteins in 100 grams of dry mushroom. On the other hand, we eat fish, meat and eggs as the most expensive food, 100 grams of fish, meat and egg in the amount of protein are 16-222 grams, 22-25 grams and 13 grams only. That is why fish, meat and mushrooms can be eaten as an alternative to egg. Fish, meat, eggs can be added to the food list to meet the demand for meat as it is relatively cheap. Naturally, mushroom has the highest vitamins and minerals. So mushrooms can be used to meet the lack of vitamins and minerals.

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