Nutrient of Bell Fruit
Nutrient of Bell Fruit
There is no other medicine similar to the belly of the Pakman. In particular, the best medicine for bending is to prevent dysentery, acne, deterioration of the digestive tract, to remove stomach disorders, to prevent medicinal tendency, and to reduce bleeding. The bell is eaten in raw condition. Not ripe. Rigid bell is very harmful to the health. If all the fruit is made, its quality increases, in the case of the bell it is inverted. Bell clarinet is beneficial. It is said that the stale Bell is poisonous, damaging to the body. And raw bell is equal to multiplication of nectar. This is because the ripe bell digestion is very difficult. It's a blemish. For which the stomach bell causes the stomach air to occur in the stomach and it sometimes exposes the altered quantity which is extremely frightening. It can be felt immediately after eating dizziness and acid attacking the acid patient. On the contrary, the raw bell collector is self and in quality. Raw black cuff and wind winner. Many people say that the cloth is quite clear after playing the pucked bell. It is a stomach, but it does not want it. Playing the bark in a ripe condition brings out the stomach to remove the stomach from the intestine or molasses. But the raw bell cooks and fires have been brought out and the law is brought out by making it easy. Those who have been suffering from intravenous lesions for a long time, they mix together the dry pieces of small bell, such as bellshoots, such as bellows, and then after breaking it, after eating barley, ulcers are cured at some time.In the face of a large quantity, the flowering of the bell tree, with the help of a crushing pulse of water, washed in the face with fine water, in a very short time, the appearance became very bright like full-moon and full moon.
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