Awesome medicines garlic
Awesome medicines garlic
Garlic is a part of spices in cooking. Not only spices, it contains more than one hundred chemical substances. For this reason, garlic is called a wonderful medicine. Garlic contains anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-oxidant components. Studies have shown that the amount of blood cholesterol is reduced by playing garlic. Garlic resistant and bacterial resistant. Regulates blood circulation by controlling blood sugar. Diabetes keeps the amount of insulin in the blood of patients. It also removes teeth pain. In 1989, the National Cancer Institute jointly researched and tested the areas of people who had garlic, onion and tobacco, their stomach cancer rate dropped by 40 percent.In 1987, a Florida clinic study found that those who received two to three koya garlic for a period of three weeks regularly, their white blood cells, natural cell cell number and activity increased. Playing raw garlic can lead to bad odor. Because of this, cooking is cooked. Many people playing garlic may cause pain in the stomach. This is why garlic is a wonderful medicine.
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