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Onion nutritional value

Onion nutritional value

Do you know Onion is an essential vegetable on our daily food list. The presence of onion is almost compulsory for almost every sour taste. Apart from increasing the taste, the importance of onion is also important for health. However, onion is very good for health protection but most of us do not know very well. Generally, a large size of onion contains 86.8 percent water, 1.2 percent protein, 11.6 percent carbohydrate, 0.18 percent calcium, 0.04 percent phosphorus and 0.7 percent of iron. Onion also contains Vitamin A, B and C.
Cold tired headache? Take 1 spoon of onion juice and mix twice as much water and eat it. You will see the pain decreased. Also, the fever can be removed from the feces by taking the onion juice nose and the body fever fever will be cut. Patients suffering from Bath Bath Patients playing regular onions will have less pain. Besides, if the vomiting repeatedly four to five feet of onion juice mixed with water, the vomiting will be stopped. Onion added extra uric acid in the body. Onion also has many useful functions in case of hair dysfunction or hair loss due to hair loss. Apply half an hour to the onion juice before washing it, and it will work to grow new hair as well as to strengthen the hair.

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