Dua is a kind of obsolete talk-sweet fruit. In the middle of the rainy season, selling yellow fruit, some of the most sophisticated fruits, are seen selling fruit sellers on the street. This fruit is not available in the wild store. The pedestrian pedestrians stop suddenly seeing this fruit, and some people buy quits in curiosity. The name of this fruit of talk-sweet taste is Deva. The deodorant tree is a branch of many branches, large trees. It is about 20-25 feet high, its bark is gray-brown. The composite or buffaloes, like jackfruit, Outside uneven. The raw fruits are green, the powdered outer yellow yellow. The inner shell is reddish yellow. There is a small quantity of jackfruit in the fruit and the seeds are one in each. One of the most popular fruits of rural Bengal The flowers are tiny, yellow, and rounded together. The result is irregular rounded, 2-5 inches wide, and yellowed in color.
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